Thursday, September 22, 2011

9/22 DBQ Thesis

"O sinner! Consider the fearful danger you are in...", preached Jonathon Edwards, a Christian theologian.  Listeners stared in awe as they heard Edwards vividly weave together the doomed fate that all sinners would inevitably face if they continued to conduct their daily lives in such unmoral ways. Edward's ideology was not unlike others of this time; during the Great Awakening the American Colonies experienced an epiphany of religious revival. Some people feared the religious dissenters and prosecuted them as witches. These sort of people happened to be concentrated mainly in the Northeast. Others believed that the way to go was not through fear, but instead living a sincere religious life filled with happiness. These people lived primarily in the Mid-Atlantic. The differences in interpretation of the Great Awakening can be traced to the divisions among social classes and ethnic groups.

1 comment:

  1. Hi David,

    Good endeavor in terms of this thesis. However, ou should concentrate on being more precise in your diction. For example, "these people" is what is considered an unclear reference. You would want to consider wors such as "followers' or "zealots". I do like how you discussed differences of interpretation. This is an important point in terms of the Great Awakening. 4/5
