Sunday, January 1, 2012

APUSH Lesson V Appomattox Analysis

April 9, 1865 marked the day the Confederate Army began to surrender. The surrender terms put the Confederates on parole and let them go home. Officers were allowed to keep their side arms and swords. Soldiers were also allowed to keep their own horses. The terms of surrender imposed on them by the Union were just right.
The benefits of the terms were that the southerners could be reintegrated into the Union quickly and without too much hassle. It also served as a generous welcome back into the Union and didn’t humiliate the Confederates. The southerners would not feel as much resentment towards the north. As General Grant stated, “The war is over. The rebels are our countrymen again.” The Confederate soldiers would also be able to support themselves when they got home because they kept their horses. Grant understood that in order for the nation to begin acting as a whole again, the south had to be given as little humiliation as possible and allowed to be able to prosper again.
The disadvantages of the terms was that the confederates may have not been thoroughly punished enough. They may not have learned their lesson. Evidence of this appears later with the formation of the Black Codes, the KKK, and a general sentiment of racism. Had the confederates and the south been given greater punishment they may have been more obliged to respect blacks and the country more.

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