Sunday, January 1, 2012


Reactions to the end of the war and the death of President Lincoln were mixed, but ultimately, they became uniform. The North’s reaction to the end of the war was one of pride and happiness that the war was over. Their economy  was still intact and was running strong as ever. Also the North won, so they would be able to decide what to do with the South. Many abolitionists were glad that slavery would come to an end. The South’s reaction could also be said to be one of happiness since the war was over. It was long and took a heavy toll. The South’s economy was devastated after the war. Entire cities were burned to the ground. Free labor was not available anymore so plantations were collapsing. The South’s main export, cotton, could not be produced in such quantities as from before. The South also lost much of its youth and vigor to the war. It’s political power was also shattered due to the fact that they lost the war and were at the mercy of the North. So in overall, the North was happy that the war was over and it was still in good shape, and that it had a greater amount of political power. The South, on the other hand, was also happy the the war was over, but only because it would mean the end of the Union’s army destruction their farmlands and cities. Other than that, they could be described as very frustrated and angry because they lost a lot and now they still had to pay the price for losing the war.
At first, the reactions to Lincoln’s death were mixed, but eventually, those who found satisfaction in Lincoln’s death thought otherwise. Northerners became more bitter and hostile toward the South, particularly because they believed that Confederate leadership, including Jefferson Davis, had devised the assassination plot. But in all, the Northerners, particularly recently freed African Americans, mourned Lincoln’s death. Since Lincoln died at the height of his fame, he became a martyr for the nation and its struggle for equality. The South, at first was satisfied that Lincoln had died, due to the fact that they saw Lincoln as the man who ordered the destruction of their farmlands and cities. But eventually, they wished that Lincoln had not died, for Lincoln’s plans of Reconstruction were moderate, and thus far less severe than the Reconstruction plans of the radicals in Congress.

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